Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce and Tourism is host to many programs and services. Learn more about what we have to offer… and as always, if you have any questions about these programs, feel free to contact our staff, and we can help you “connect the dots!”
- BUSINESS OF THE MONTH-See our current Business of the Month Chamber Member on the Member Spotlight Page. Each month a different member is highlighted on our website, newsletter, Crow River Business section in the Hutchinson Leader and interviewed by our president on the radio.
- LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE -The Hutchinson Leadership Institute is hosted by the Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism. This comprehensive program is designed to build community leaders. The Institute provides participants with a unique opportunity to turn knowledge into action through classroom experiences, hands-on activities, and a variety of assessment tools.

Table Tents– Out. QR Code Stickers– In.
QR stickers will be in the community at your favorite restaurant, hotel, along the trails, in the newspaper are just to name a few! Entries will be directly linked to your community calendar event listing. You can add your event for up to one year in advance! No more deadlines, lower prices and better visibility!
Hutchinson Guides are printed each year, highlighting area attractions and events. Guides are free and can be found at local motels, businesses and the Chamber office.
Community Calendar is FREE and OPEN to anyone to post events, meetings and programs. Go online and click on the Community Calendar and Submit an Event.
Community Marquee is the electronic sign that sits at the corner of Highways 7 & 15. Events submitted through the Community Calendar and meet our criteria, automatically go up onto the Marquee sign.
Monthly Chamber Newsletter is published by the Chamber and Tourism Staff. This is a resource to find out what is happening within the Chamber. Learn about new members, keep up-to-date on Ambassador Business After Hours and Business visits. Learn something from our president or sign up for one of our many annual events.
Relocation & Visitor Information is available, whether you are looking to visit us, or relocate to our great community. Please call our office, and we will be happy to assist you!
Resource Links
City of Hutchinson
Hutchinson EDA (Economic Development Authority)
Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Central Minnesota Jobs Training
Small Business Administration
Southwest Initiative Foundation
Ridgewater College, Customized Training