As we continue to watch the political mass struggle with the DOL Overtime Ruling, I’m reminded of TWO key sets of advice from several leaders who have spoken to our Leadership Institute Class each year.
“Build your network of people BEFORE you might need them.” The other option is to introduce yourself and then spurt out your problem and ask for help.
“Your voice matters. Reach out to legislators.”
Democracy is the only system capable of reflecting the humanist premise of equilibrium or balance. The key to its secret is the involvement of the citizen. -John Ralston Saul
The Department of Labor may have overreached on this new ruling, but our legislators have the ability to rescind the ruling, or slow down the ruling so it would ramp up over a number of years.
Knowing local, state and federal representatives can make the task much easier. If they know you, they are less likely to brush you, and your issue, aside.
More importantly right now, is to let your federal leaders know how this affects your business, whether you are a for profit or not-for-profit business.
They need to hear from us.
They need to hear from you.
YOU are the key to making this or anything else happen.
Please take 10 minutes to type out some information and email it to our legislators.
Senator Al Franken
St Paul Office 651-221-1016
DC Office 202-224-5641
Senator Amy Klobuchar
Minneapolis Office 612-727-5220 or 1-888-224-9043
DC Office 202-224-3244
Representative Collin Peterson
Willmar Office 320-235-1061
DC Office 202-225-2165