Here’s an Idea:
Let’s not wait until January 2nd to make changes, get in gear, or start something new.
Three months are left of 2019.
Let’s make them count by focusing on our updates now, starting today, October 1st.
So many times our tendency is to say “I’ll do that next week,” “I’ll start on Monday,” and don’t do a thing because we are too busy with the things right in front of us. These ‘things’ suck our energy away, leaving important items by the wayside.
This could be a change in diet or exercise, but it could also be an important book to read, manuals to update, or something else random, or otherwise significant. Wouldn’t it feel great to get to January 2, and say… I have that already done, or look at the progress made in three months.
I encourage you to look for three things to consider doing:
Something for you. Something that will make you feel good or better. Something that can help you achieve peace in your life.
Something at work. What have you been putting off,
or waiting for “the time”, or is really high importance but the urgency hasn’t been equally as high.
Finally, how about something for your fellow humans. Whether it is working with a community group, donation of time, talent or treasure, help for a neighbor, or a letter to a friend you haven’t communicated with for a while. Find something to help someone and/or bring them joy.
Now…. go out and make a difference, but remember, take care of you too!