Access all MN resources for child care:
Child Care is an important and integral gateway to workforce for many families. The Hutchinson Child Care Coalition is dedicated to creating more opportunities and lessening the burdens for our local providers.
Child Care is not babysitting. It takes big hearts, sturdy backs, and strong mental capacity. These are business people, providing for their own families, by caring for others; like nurses, police, fire fighters, doctors, ambulance workers, and therapists. Let us give them the respect, courtesy, and acknowledgement they deserve.
Here are links to resources and information to local support new and existing child care providers:
To start your family child care business:
Amy Berry- McLeod County Licensor– HOW TO BECOME A LICENSED PROVIDER in McLeod County
Tanna Stucky- Child Care Start Up and Retention Navigator– HOW TO START YOUR BUSINESS
[email protected]
320-235-0850 ext 1318
Local Dollars to help your business:
Slot Expansion Grant Guidelines
Slot Expansion Grant Application
Help local child care providers:
Donate to Child Care Appreciation
Want to find a child care provider?