Throughout the year, as we talk with YOU, the chamber members, the number one reason you invest in the chamber is the promotion and marketing opportunities. YOU have sited our website, networking events, and our
in-office marketing wall as the best way to promote and market.
If you’re thinking “yep- exactly” then I wish you a Happy New Year- now get back to work!
But, if you are thinking “what?!” then this is for YOU!
The Chamber isn’t just an organization you give money to each year for a window sticker, although it can be.
We really want to have YOU engaged, and active in the opportunities we offer.
Here are just a few options to be more engaged in the chamber, your business and the community:
Business After Hours– a monthly invitation to see a business from the inside, learning about what they do, what they offer and meeting their staff. Have you seen those emails and ignored them? Try the next one or two out- you’ll meet other chamber members, and it is always interesting to see what a business actually does. You never know- you may just find a business opportunity for yourself.
Events– most of our events are fundraisers, to keep the cost of membership low, but they are designed with YOUR business in mind. Opportunities to market your business name, your product and/or services. Your support of these events help us… help you. Try a booth at the Bring It Home Family Fun and Business Expo, or a Staffed Hole at the Golf Challenge. Both are low-cost marketing to be directly face to face with business people and the public.
Our Awesome Website– this sounds self-serving, but it is awesome because it is so easy for the visitor to find what they are looking for- YOU!
This website houses a portal and your very own webpage, where you control your marketing message. Since we re-designed our website, traffic has increased. Since we started advertising with our website, and not our logo, traffic has increased. #MuchInHutch
People are looking for YOU! This is a great way to:
- Give general information about your business
(some businesses can add photos, links to their website and more) - Advertise your events and classes
- Advertise Job Openings
- Share your business deals, coupons, and opportunities
- Post Press Releases
Leadership Institute- Up the ante! Bring your understanding of the city, community and leadership to an entirely new level by participating in the Leadership Institute. The program runs from Sept- May and you won’t regret the investment of time or money. We surprise participants each year with the meaningful, productive content and the opportunity to do more in Hutchinson.
I could go on and on, but you have work to do- so jump on the phone, email or drop in the office to learn more about these opportunities and so much more.
Happy New Year- I hope 2016 is a year of great things for you!