2 Main St. S.
Hutchinson, MN 55350
The September Business of the Month began with an initial $35,000 donation by Irvin Burich who believed Hutchinson needed a community foundation. Burich, a Hutchinson businessman, supported the community foundation concept because it provides people of any income level a way to leave a permanent legacy in the form of a financial contribution to improve the community’s quality of life. In April 1999, Burich’s initial donation started the Hutchinson Area Community Foundation.
Now in its 20th year, the HACF has awarded 218 grants totaling more than $300,000 since the first grant was made in 2004. The Foundation’s endowment balance has grown to $850,000. in 2018, more than $35,000 was given to award recipients.
On September 11, 2005, the Founders Pathway was dedicated. The Pathway is a granite walkway leading from Washington Avenue to the Hutchinson Brothers statue. The majority of the Foundation’s funds have been raised from the sale of pathway pavers. The pavers are available for a $5,000 donation and there are still pavers available.
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the Hutchinson Area Community Foundation helps people, organizations and businesses that want to improve the community now and in the future. The HACF also has an affiliation with Southwest Initiative Foundation through its Community Foundation program. The Foundation wants everyone to join the legacy of Hutchinson by accepting donations of all amounts from individuals, families, businesses and other foundations. The capital gained through those donations is applied to endeavors that serve the best interest of the community.
The Foundation employs no staff and operates with a volunteer Board with administrative support from the Chamber and SWIF. The Foundation serves as a vehicle for donors, helping them achieve their charitable goals.
The Foundation recently has converted its grant application process to an online submission. The application can be found on their Website at https://hutchinsonareacommunityfoundation.org/. Grant applications are currently being accepted for the Foundation’s current grant cycle and will be accepted online until October 4.
What does the Hutchinson Area Community Foundation enjoy most about their Chamber Membership?
The Foundation enjoys the partnership and collaboration that is gained by our membership in the Chamber.