YOU have it.
YOU have the power, knowledge and ability… to change the world.
YOU are capable of changing your life, your business and those around you.
For 30 years, the Hutchinson Leadership Institute has provided an opportunity for business people to learn more about themselves, create opportunities for deep personal connections, and showcase all Hutchinson has to offer.
YOUR business needs the best employees providing quality work, and pride in what they do and who they do it for. YOUR business needs powerful personal development, solid networking, and thoughtful leadership.
For 30 years, the Hutchinson Leadership Institute has brought speakers and educators to you and your employees. Provided almost 700 participants with discussion on topical issues like ethics, management, diversity, communications, and more.
For 30 years, it hasn’t been about who runs it, leads it, or provides it…. It is about YOU and YOUR business, OUR community, OUR Hutchinson.
Whether YOU or YOUR employees need the Leadership Institute, we look forward to meeting you in September.
If YOU have already been through Leadership Institute, we have now rolled out Leadership 2.0. An in-depth, deep-dive of who you are, and how you can lead others intentionally. The Chamber and Design Team are thrilled to be able to offer another program which helps YOU address workforce retention, building leaders up, and giving them tools to lead others.
YOU will be grateful YOU took action for yourself, your business and for others.
Next May you’ll be amazed at what you feel, what you know, and what you will have learned.
Click link for application: Hutchinson Leadership Institute or Hutchinson Leadership 2.0