You should know Carrie Bradshaw’s voice was in my head as I typed that title. I started with more questions than answers, hence my CB reference.
What made me think about Lifelong Learning? Well…
We were recently privileged to hear Mike Kutzke speak at the Hutchinson Ambassador’s Small Business Summit. Mike is a Dean of Instruction at Ridgewater, and is a self-proclaimed “lifelong learner.”
As he made my cheeks hurt more and more with laughter I couldn’t contain, I kept thinking about the phrase of “lifelong learner.” Aren’t we all lifelong learners, or shouldn’t we profess we are?
The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill;
The willingness to learn is a choice.
– Brian Herbert
So we make the choice, but in our “busy” world, we also need to make the effort.
I challenge you to schedule time to educate yourself on something which will enhance or build your business. I challenge you to do so in the next 30 days.
Topic Example:
A topic brought up several times in the past two days of interactions with groups is Generational Understanding. Follow (or visit) XYZ University and Sarah Sladek. Her work educating business people about millennials is fascinating, and USEFUL. For those of you nervous, frustrated, or perhaps just plain freaked out about this “young crowd of whipper snappers,” you should know this is the END OF WORK AS WE KNOW IT. And, these young up and comers are currently 34% of our work force. And, this generation will change how we work, lead and innovate. And yes, they are different, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care, engage or actually work… they do it differently than we do. They have had different experiences and influences in their lives.
Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
Ideas to find something interesting and meaningful:
Ask a friend or colleague for book recommendations on various topics.
Attend classes offered by your own vendors. I have received several “free” class offers this week from a number of businesses we work with.
Next time an article pops up on Facebook or Twitter, open the link and read it.
Crazy Idea Alert: go to the Library.
In an effort to support small businesses, the Ambassadors held their first Small Business Summit last month. The surveys were unanimous- attendees said YES, they would recommend this event to other small business owners/managers! So be watching for details for Summit 2016. Thank you to the Ambassadors for making this event accessible to all of our Chamber members!
Alright, so if you don’t know who Carrie Bradshaw is, it’s okay… you’re probably one of two generations I am sandwiched between, and you’ll turn out just fine. Google and YouTube will help educate you on the inquisitive, stylish, fictional writer. You just might learn something new.