What a question? What does it mean to thinkLOCAL?
Before you purchase something online, or out of town, do you think about whether you can actually find it here in Hutchinson?
Do you consider the online options for local stores?
Do you ask businesses to donate to this, that, and the other thing?
Here’s food for thought:
You purchase something in Hutchinson for $100.
68% of that stays in Hutchinson. Wages, Services, Taxes, Donations.
Tax Revenue pays for FIRE, POLICE, Park & Rec, water treatment, waste water and so many services we take for granted every single day!
If you purchase that item in another community, you are giving them your money to pay for the same things in their community, not yours.
This applies to every purchase you make.
NOW, take your online ordering and switch it to online ordering for a business that has a brick and mortar in town and have it delivered to pick-up. THAT purchase and your money goes to OUR community to help pay wages, benefits and donations for your friends, family and neighbors HERE in Hutchinson.
Please consider your purchasing tendencies. What can you do to bring back some of what you spend BACK TO HUTCHINSON.
I know we can’t get everything here, but I bet there are many things you can. You can’t buy happiness, but shopping local is almost the same thing!
Join us for Crazy Days, SHOP LOCAL, SPEND LOCAL, have LOCAL FUN, and please thinkLOCAL!
To learn more about thinkLOCAL and the work of our committee, please go to our website. (link to thinkLOCAL page please)